Will you join us?

This semester I have been just overwhelmed with the incredible support here at the University of South Carolina, with students, with teachers, with Columbia residents. I thought I would have to go into these few months working tirelessly to spread the word of hope and opportunity with Clothed in Hope, but the help has been so humbling. It's amazing to see a community come together with one thing in common: a passion for helping others through Clothed in Hope. Whether through over 20 awareness campaigns and a huge sum of contributions from the HRSM 301 Professional Development class with Professor Smiling, or the chance to debut the {re}styled clothing line at the RETL 388 fashion show to generate another substantial sum of donations from the event, I have just been amazed. The word is spreading, the organization is growing, but it doesn't stop there. We need YOU. You can change a life through supporting Clothed in Hope for long-term development. This holiday season, we hope that you'll consider giving a gift that keeps on giving. Will you join us?

Click to watch our newest promotional video!

Love, Amy