Let's Bake: UPDATE
Yes, it's only Tuesday. No, it's not the day we said we'd end our campaign, but we're ending it today. ...BECAUSE Y'ALL ARE AMAZING!
In just 4 hours y'all donated 251% of our goal, exactly $2,087.27. Just four hours! Y'all gave gifts ranging from $25 to $800, which further proves that together we can have a huge impact in the lives of people around the world. Look what happens when we all pitch in with what we have, investing in lives for the long-term through this program. I can't even express the humbling emotions that have washed over me the past day just in awe of it all. We are part of a MUCH bigger picture and I can't believe we all get to be a part of it.
Now $2,087.27 may not seem like a lot to some, and to others it's a fortune. And to us it's quite a fortune, a treasure. This money has well covered the cost of our Stove/Oven and Fridge/Freezer. The leftover funds have even purchased a BRAND NEW Singer Electric Sewing Machine and an Overlocking Machine/Serger!! Not to mention that we can buy as much butter and flour and sugar as our hearts desire.
You are giving life to 22 women in Zambia. Nutrition lessons, healthy lifestyles, income-generating opportunities, empowerment, education, friendship, sure-to-be laughs as we experiment and learn together, independence. I could go on and on. But I'll leave this post with 23 hearts bursting with gratitude (mine included, obviously), and a photo of our soon-to-be Top Chef: Zambia.
Even before we made the big announcement today- complete with Oatmeal Raisin cookies to sample what's to come- Margret told me, "I just love cooking. I will cook anything. It is my favorite thing to do. I really love cooking." And she said this all while cooking off a hot coil cemented onto a bucket of stones without any proper utensils or oven mitts. Needless to say, Margret is absolutely thrilled and we cannot wait to share our baking adventures with you all.
Zikomo Kwambiri (Thank you VERY much), Amy and the Chikondi ladies