Mirriam's Kids Need Shoes
Mirriam is the mom of 2 boys, Twinza in primary school and Temwani on his way to preschool (or baby class as it’s called in Zambia). In order for Mirriam’s boys to attend school, they each need a pair of black school shoes, a uniform, a backpack, and various school supplies, on top of the trimester tuition Mirriam will pay for them to attend community schools.
This can be quite a burden for Mirriam’s family, and will continue to be 16+ years from now when both boys are done with their schooling. In a community where rent money is hard to come by, this expense alone can cause much stress and cripple a family’s income.
Twinza and Temwani need shoes, but we won’t be providing them. We won’t be providing uniforms or backpacks or school supplies or anything like that.
Because we can provide a longer lasting solution, a dignifying solution to this ongoing need. Because we can change our ideas of charity through sustainable community development.
What we can do is give Mirriam the opportunity to earn an income through the production of our bow ties (since Mirriam is our bow tie queen). We can give Mirriam the business training and microloan to launch and successfully run her own business, not dependent on our bow tie sales. We can give her support, skills, resources, and a boost of confidence.
Because Mirriam is able. And she is the best person to give school shoes to her kids. Her boys will see their mom and dad confidently providing for them, furthering the unity of a healthy home. And Mirriam and her husband will have the joy and pride of meeting the needs of their family independently as capable and skilled parents.
Mirriam and Temwani (her youngest child)
A long-term win that keeps families together and forges a path of dignity. Did you know one bow tie led to so much goodness?

With Chikondi,
CiH Founder & Executive Director
P.S. Mirriam is the sole producer of our Eddington Bow Ties. If you buy one, you better believe she's the one who made it, and her kids are the ones who benefit. You can find her work here (and on sale!).