A Legacy of Hope

When Clothed in Hope first began in Zambia in 2012, Shekiwe was only 10 years old. Her mom, Elina, joined our program as one of our first students. And as you may recognize her name, Elina graduated from our skills-training program to then become our Zambia Director as she is today. 

At 10 years old, many girls in Zambia are on their way out of school, especially as the third, fourth, or fifth child, when there are no more funds available in the family for school fees. Then comes the likely possibility of child marriage and teen pregnancy, two contributing factors to continuing the cycle of poverty.

But Shekiwe’s story has been different. 

Shekiwe grew up witnessing what was possible through her mom. Not merely surviving, as is the reality for so many, but thriving. She saw her mom chasing a dream. Igniting a passion. Living full of HOPE. 

Shekiwe’s mom, Elina, taught her determination in how she never gave up. Her mom taught her the importance of education through graduating from our program. Her mom taught her confidence in being proud of her accomplishments. Her mom taught her to dream big. To want more. To ignore the negative voices, and to embrace the possibilities ahead. 

Simply put - her mom taught her to HOPE. 

And because Shekiwe’s mom has loved, guided, provided for, and encouraged her every step of the way, Shekiwe is stepping onto a new path. A path dug out with hard-fought victories, struggles, defeats, and successes. 

Because of the incredible example shown by her mom, Shekiwe stayed in school. She excelled in school with a full belly, a growing mind, a stable home, and a loving family. Challenges that can trap young girls in a vicious cycle of dropping out of school, child marriage, and teen pregnancy stood no chance against Shekiwe, all because of Elina’s brave steps forward. 

Today Shekiwe is 22 years old (in the first photo below). She is truly following in her mom’s footsteps as she is in her second year at an esteemed fashion design school in Zambia. She runs a growing fashion brand called “Royalty Fashion Fanatics.” She is the second child in her entire extended family to ever attend college. She is incredibly talented. And she is full of HOPE. 

Shekiwe (first photo) with 2 of her custom designs for local clients in Lusaka, Zambia

Shekiwe is just one of 1,028 children of Clothed in Hope women. 

Friends, imagine what is ahead. Now that we’re over a decade out, babies are becoming teenagers. Young kids are becoming adults. And we are witnessing families truly breaking the cycle of poverty. 

Thank you for writing hundreds upon hundreds of stories of HOPE in the lives of women and their children in Zambia.